Tired of constantly hiring agents, training them, handholding and walking them through the process of closing deals without significant results?
Tired of "seasonal" agents that come, reap the benefits your company has to offer and go without contributing anything?
Tired of agents that need constant and repetitive assistance even for the smallest matters?
If you answered YES to any of the above
Realty Ready is the right program for your company!
With a thoughtfully curated program that uses the utmost clarity to organize the content, Realty Ready will allow your company to train and properly equip agents from the start. The program is set up to be consumed at any time or pace including all the bonuses and tools it offers. No more constant handholding or utilizing experienced agents time to assist them in their every need. No more paying monthly salaries to inhouse trainers or spending funds hiring a team on demand, with no guarantee that the trainings will even reach all of your agents with their schedules.
The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them, and having them stay.
- Henry Ford
Realty Ready- Online Course
8 Part Program Including Toolkits & Templates
Realty Ready is an in depth educational program created to properly groom and train Real Estate Agents. With Real Estate companies in Dubai in mind, its designed to help them hire, train and retain agents. Its objective is to manufacture high performers that will continuously thrive and will genuinely enjoy working for the company.
It consists of an 8 part program that carefully outlines the psychology of real estate sales all the way to the specifics of the day to day of a seasoned agent. Jam packed with information on Dubai real estate laws, Dubai areas and the do's and don'ts in the real estate world, the program is laid out to educate an agent from all angles.
Once the Realty Ready program is initiated, agents will be provided with secure log in details that they will use to access their individual portal. They can then navigate the modules and complete the material step by step at their own pace. They will also have access to participate in the live virtual trainings as well as the in person seminars.
After each module the agent will be presented with an assessment that they will need to pass in order for the following module to be unlocked. This enables the utmost clarity and accountability on each agents part and guarantees actual retention of information.
The Realty Ready online course is set up as an online program that can be easily navigated at any time and at any pace. It includes access to the program modules as well as toolkits which are comprised of social media & email templates, guides that focus on areas, ones that are specific to real estate functions and much more.
The agents will also have the ability to download all of the workbooks and guides, as well as customize the templates with their personal details.
The program also includes virtual live training webinars as well as in person seminars and trainings.
The core training program consists of an 8 part series that is broken down into modules and lessons. The program has been created to tackle the most important and relevant steps and topics that pertain to Dubai real estate but most importantly, to the growth and success of an up and coming agent.
Each module in the training contain templates and exercises specifically created to support agents as they move forward in the course and their career. They also contain detailed step by step checklists for individual real estate tasks that will allow for more clarity. The templates can be customized with the agents personal details and used for all of their transactions.
The Realty Ready program wasn't only created with videos and templates in mind. The main objective is to provide support to the agents and assist in their growth in an effective and efficient way. This includes monthly live virtual training sessions, in person training seminars and access to our exclusive FB group. The agents will also be able to go back and review the course details to further their knowledge.
Our program is created to get you the most results, in the shortest period of time
Check what is inside :
Dubai Legal System: Must know Laws, Rules, Regulations.
Area Guides
Projects Presentations
Social Media Guides
Personal Branding Guide
Check Lists
FB Group for Networking
Psychology of selling
Online branding
Handling Objections
Sales Primary
Sales Secondary
Laws and Regulations
Building Relationships
Using Social Media
Get Exclusive Listings
Do prospecting
Handle objections
Make attractive Listings
Pitch Clients
Ask for referrals
Do professional viewings
Do professional calls
Successfully close deals
Have the right mindset
Constantly get updated with industry trends, and more
EMAIL: [email protected]
PHONE: + 971 52 981 9373 Vesna
PHONE: + 971 58 5151 070 Maria